Silver's Big Breakout

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Silver's Big Breakout

Silver's Big Breakout

Silver may soon be headed for a big breakout, and here’s why: global demand is rising,industrial uses for silver are increasing, supply is falling, and sentiment is low.Global Demand is RisingThough coin sales are down, the demand for physical silver is rising around the globe. Demandfrom China is again at an all-time high as they continue to add to their storehouses. In fact,silver demand in the Chinese market hasn’t decreased in well over a decade. Even through the2008 financial crisis China continued to be a big buyer of physical silver, and their need has onlygrown over time. In addition to China, India’s own demand has risen exponentially fromprevious years.Industrial Use is IncreasingThe demand for silver has also increased as the solar energy and “green” vehicle industriescontinue to grow. Battery-powered automobiles are built using more silver than traditionalfuel-powered automobiles. Silver is also a key manufacturing material in solar panels, whichcontinue to rise in popularity as the world seeks renewable energy sources. In some placessolar panels are even becoming a requirement, with California recently passing a law that newhouses must be equipped with solar panels to support energy conservation. As industry andtechnology expand, the demand and need for silver will continue to grow as well.Supply is FallingCPM Group reported that almost 45% of all silver mined on record is now in a landfill, indicatingthat silver tends to be consumed and not recycled. It is used in automobiles, cellphones,televisions, and the list goes on. With such a high demand, it is only a matter of time until silveris in short supply. In fact, the supply has reportedly dropped the last five years in a row, andaccording to the CPM Silver Yearbook 2018, the decline in mine supply is expected to continueto drop over the next decade, depleting reserves. There is no longer a way to mine it profitablywith what is found in the ground, due to the absence of a rich pipeline.Sentiment is LowLastly, the sentiment for silver is very low right now, which often signals a great time to buy.Investors often look to commodities like crude oil and gold as wealth insurance or a hedge onthe dollar or equity markets. Silver, however, outperformed gold in past recessions and iscurrently deeply underpriced, preparing for what I believe will be a massive bull market.When it comes to wealth insurance there is no wrong answer between silver and gold. Withthese simple facts in mind, I am personally purchasing physical silver as it has the most profitpotential in turbulent times and has the best signs of a bullish market to come. Call or email ustoday to become contracted or to insure your portfolio with physical gold and silver.

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